Privacy and Cookie Policy


Here you can read about Okholm Lighting A/S' policy regarding the collection, processing, disclosure, and storage of the personal information you provide when using our website and when subscribing to our newsletter. Additionally, you can learn more about our cookie policy. These policies are designed to ensure the security of your personal data and to ensure that we at Okholm Lighting A/S comply with the conditions of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on May 25, 2018.

When you visit Okholm Lighting A/S' website or subscribe to our newsletter, the terms of these policies apply.

Okholm Lighting A/S protects your personal information, and we are aware of the need for appropriate protection and proper handling of the personal information we receive from you. Okholm Lighting A/S is considered the data controller in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

If you do not wish to accept the terms below, please refrain from using our newsletter and the features on Okholm Lighting A/S' website.

1. Collection of personal information

Personal information includes information such as name, address, and email, which can identify you as an individual. Okholm Lighting A/S regularly reviews the registered personal information and deletes information that is no longer relevant to process and the information you as a user wish to have deleted.

When you subscribe to our newsletter and/or use our website, including contacting our employees, it is necessary for you to provide your personal information. This is necessary in order to send you newsletters and use the full functionality of the website. This means that we collect and record the personal information you provide on the website in connection with the features you use on the website.

1.1. What information is collected?

When you use Okholm Lighting A/S' website, the following information about you is collected:

  1. Which pages you have viewed, and when and for how long.
  2. Which browser you are using.
  3. What IP address you have.
  4. Which country you are from.

The above information is obtained through the use of cookies, and therefore reference is made to the applicable cookie policy below, which contains further information about this.

1.1.1. Contact Form

If you choose to contact Okholm Lighting A/S through our contact form on the website, your entered personal information will be stored to ensure subsequent contact. If relevant, your personal information will be stored in our CRM and ERP system.

In order to complete the contact form, you must enter the following information, which will subsequently be processed:

  • Name
  • Email address
1.1.2. Newsletter

In order for you to subscribe to our newsletter, you must give your consent and provide the following information in the registration form:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Company

This information is forwarded to Mailchimp, which provides services within email marketing. The information is stored in Mailchimp's and our own database until we no longer use Mailchimp's services or until you request the information to be deleted. You can have your information deleted by requesting this via email, where you specify which email you want deleted. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time via the links at the bottom of the email or by contacting Okholm Lighting A/S according to section 6.

In order to target our newsletter, we record your activity within the newsletter, including which links you visit and the frequency thereof.

1.2. Purpose of collection and storage period

As mentioned earlier, your personal information via the contact form is stored to ensure subsequent contact. We collect your provided contact information and company in connection with subscribing to our newsletter in order to complete your subscription and deliver relevant newsletters.

The collected personal information is processed for the purpose of updating/adapting our website, sending relevant newsletters regarding lighting, projects, invitations to events, and competitions.

Okholm Lighting A/S retains your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the above purposes and until you request deletion. This means that we store the above personal information for as long as you are subscribed to our newsletter and until you request deletion. If you unsubscribe, we will delete your personal and contact information within 30 days, unless there are specific requirements for the retention of your information.

2. Disclosure of your personal information

At Okholm Lighting A/S, we also have third parties who process your personal data on our behalf, so they can perform their services. Below you can see everyone who receives your information:

  • Internal employees.
  • Business partners providing services for marketing and website maintenance.
  • Trusted third parties necessary to fulfill agreements regarding delivery, payment, and service.

Your personal information is not disclosed to other parties than those mentioned above without your consent, unless required by, for example, applicable law or established by court order.

3. Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. In this regard, we are not responsible for their content, procedures, etc., regarding the processing of your personal information. Therefore, we recommend that you read the relevant website's policies regarding the use of cookies and personal information.

4. Okholm Lighting A/S' use of cookies

On our website, we use cookies to offer you the best possible experience on our website. The features of the website require the use and storage of cookies. If you choose to disable our use of cookies, you cannot expect our website to function optimally.

When you use our website, you accept our use of cookies. Our website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Traffic information to perform visit statistics
  • Improve the website and ensure optimal user-friendliness

Information collected by cookies and other technologies is only processed as non-personal information as long as it is not personal information. Since IP addresses or other similar identifiers are considered personal information according to the legislation, these are treated as personal information. The same applies if non-personal information is combined with personal information.

If you want to avoid the use of cookies, you must disable cookies in your browser according to section 4.3 "Avoid the use of cookies" below.

4.1. What are cookies?

Cookies are a text file stored in your browser on your computer. This allows the website to remember your device for the choices you make on the website the next time you visit our website. This can be previously used search terms and language choices on the website

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are necessary for the vast majority of websites to function properly. They ensure, for example, that you don't constantly get logged out of the website you're visiting.

Technical cookies are essential and are always enabled.


appCurrentDomainId - 1 år

Gemmer id'en på nuværende domæne, som bliver brugt til at styre sproget

popupCookie -

vmcms - Slettes når browseren lukkes

Hjemmesiden bruger denne cookie til at identificere den besøgende, på tværs af sider, under besøget.

logged-in - 1 week

Checks if a user has been logged in


lastHash - 1 dag

Gemmer den sidste hash værdi i urlen

Cookie settings

vm-gdpr - 1 måned

Bruges til at huske de valg der tages under Cookie-Indstillinger.

vm-gdpr-accept - 1 måned

Angiver om cookie-indstillinger er blevet gennemgået / accepteret.


Statistic cookies

Statistic cookies help developers optimize the website by collecting information about which pages are most popular and which pages do not seem to appeal to users. This allows for the improvement of the website and its user-friendliness.

Statistic cookies are also used to gather general visit statistics through simple counting.

They usually have little to no impact on your privacy since they do not track what is searched for on other websites.

Google Analytics

_ga - 2 år

Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg, tidligere besøg og det aktuelle besøg.

_gid - Slettes når browseren lukkes

Denne cookie bruges til at spore, hvor lang tid den besøgende bruger på hjemmesiden.

_ga_* - 1 år

Bliver brugt til at optælle og gemme antallet af sidevisninger

_gat_* - Slettes når browseren lukkes

Bruges til at reducere mængden af forespørgsler til Google


Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies are used for commercial purposes to target ads to you.

They collect information about your behavior on individual websites, thereby creating an overview of interests, habits, and activities that can be used to display relevant ads.


_fbp - 90 days

Used to distinguish and keep track of your unique users


_gcl_au - 3 måneder

Formålet med denne cookie er at optimere funktionaliteten på hjemmesiden

Bing Ads

_uetsid - Session

Denne cookie sættes af Bing. Formål er at spore konverteringer på tværs af hjemmesiden.


Read more about their privacy policy

_uetvid - 13 måneder

Bruges til at tracke og gemme besøg på tværs af websider


Read more about their privacy policy

_lfa - 2 år

Gemmer og sporer målgruppens rækkevidde


Personalized cookies

Personalized cookies collect information about your behavior on the website and can help suggest other pages, news, or products for you based on things you have shown interest in.

Personalized cookies are not used for marketing elsewhere on the internet.

This website does not use any cookies in this category


Cookie settings